Thursday, July 21, 2011


I uploaded few pictures last time.......
was bit lazy to make a new post..............
Here are some new pis

Entrance to Buddhangala Temple

Buddhangala Temple

Veiw from the Temple



Senanayaka samudraya- A big tank

A pond with lotus
here are some more pics from Sri Lanka

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


East of Sri Lanka
Until recently Sri Lanka was a war torn country. So we couldn't visit North and East of Sri Lanka. As now peace is prevailing anybody can go anywhere.
This is my first glimpse of some of the places...

Rantembe reservoir

On the way near Rantembe reservoir

On the way a little shed made to rest while working in paddy feilds

Mahiyangana dhageba 

Mahaoya hot water wells

thought of sharing them with you all........

Will upload more next time.........

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Walk in the Garden

I had this weekend free and during most of the day i slept.
Then in the evening i had an urge to walk in the garden and this is what i found........

A butterfly perched on a leaf

Flowers in bloom

Aren't they wonderful???

A spider on a rose bud
Have a wonderful week!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Less busy day.... :-) 
Tomorrow there's a wedding. 
I can use my new camera aha!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Impatient to see my new camera. Have to wait until tomorrow.......

Friday, May 6, 2011 Little House helped me to create my Blog- Her Tutorials. Good place for all the beginners to go. Good Luck!!!!!
Well, I'm new to blogs. I was inspired by " A Bowl Full of Lemons" . I started her 21 days challenge and now currently in the 5th day.